Monday, September 19, 2011

My tolerance for idle people is zero, I just move on from them & with my life. I find myself not saving number, they're useless. Conversations are just a bunch words with nothing really being said...I'm over all that.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What is love to you ? All the labels ? The give & take ? Sex ?

What is it to you...
I couldn't feel more lonely. I feel like everyone is trying to take a piece of me. Nobody really knows me. I'm tired of coming across all these users, just means I need to reevaluate my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I plan to make them all fall in love, like Solomon had 1000 wives. I want 1000 husbands.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

The crazy thing is I feel like I'm in love, I feel like I'm genuinely feeling it at this point in my life. The crazy thing is I don't know who...I'm not even sure if I've met this person. I just feel like there's someone out there that somehow I'm already attached to, sounds crazy right ? I'm just talking it's 2:50 AM, & I can't sleep. I'm thinking about love & sex. I want both.

African Black Soap

So I'm a new user to this & I'm excited. Tonight was my first night and like my skin feels dry but not dried out if that makes sense. & it also feels ridiculously soft...let's just see how the days progress & see if I have better skin in the end. I also need shea butter as well & a nice moisturizer but not from a local market, a reggae or African store.
woman for self

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pen Pal

I'd really like one, any takers ?
Titles & more titles....I don't want to be anyones girlfriend. I just want to be.

Man & Woman
we can make love..
long ass conversations about nothing...
he can smoke me out & tell about all the good music he knows(vice versa)

But honey, lets just be.
if that's okay ?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the sweetest thing I've known
I want to be a mother.

One of the things I want most in life.


I'm trying to figure out if it really means something. Or is just a piece of paper of what people justify as right ? Sometimes just being with someone seems like the route I want to take. I don't think I'd mind having babies out of wedlock but that's just how I view things. I do want a big family possibly, but marriage....I don't think so.


That's what want at this point. Something passionate, hot, real, intense. I should be able to feel you without actually feeling you. Be my friend, lets make love...let's just be. I don't need a title, just you.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Why do I get so tired of a guy so quick ? But then get lonely ? I love aggression but I hate an asshole. I don't want to be anyones anything, but I do want you. Does it make sense, because I'm lost. I feel like I'm in love with someone already, but I've never been. I don't even know the guy I'd be in love with, but sometimes I feel it. I want to be alone, but I want you. I want a lover, a friend...those qualities are the best, I've yet to experience a guy who can give me both. Plus I'm like the most difficult person to make fall in love, so I don't know if I'm capable. But at the same time I know I am.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

idk what love is. but I know when I see it with others just not me, not me.
My petite shape yo
Who am I to you ?
Save me

Rebel Music


I need this in my life. I feel like knowing where I came from is so important, I can't wait to have kids so I can teach them about it. I want them to be free children, love themselves inside out. Everyone else is from the outside looking in, so I want them to know what's within them.

Rasta Man

When I say where is my Rasta,  I don't just mean a guy with dreads. A rasta is so much more than that, they lived a lifestyle & were all for the people & sending a message. I want a guy to teach me something, help me learn about myself.

Bob Marley

You really grow to love this man as you listen & watch his stories. Watching his videos, I tear up...touches me that much. Yea, he had other women besides Rita but that didn't make him a bad person to me. He was a father, athlete, rasta, and so much more. If you're not listening to Bob Marley, you'll never get it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm thinking of dying my hair this golden color or keeping it orange ?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I didn't realize how lonely I was....

The Beautiful Ones - Prince

I show no signs of letting up


I'm so tired of hearing about decisions, decisions that people make it seem like that one decision defines you. I'm tired of it....


Idk being horny is a cool feeling, sometimes I just like to be horny because I want to fantasize. But thats all...
But then sometimes I'm just like fuck everyone................then other times. I'm not.

Relationships & shit

I can get into a relationship, & yea it's all cool at first. Then I'm like wait, this is too much for me. I don't want to be the girlfriend or anything, especially when I know I don't feel the same. I pull away, I don't think I've ever let a guy get too close to me. I know the tricks, I look at relationships like a game at times. I DON'T WANT TO BE THE LOSER. Because you know what you're left with ? Nothing. I don't want to feel that, I've never been in love, but I don't let myself. I make everything difficult, & yet have met a guy to challenge that. I want to be challenged I need to be challenged. Guys fall for me, this girl....who ironically doesn't even like relationships. Who would sometimes rather be alone ? Or maybe I'm just wanting something I haven't found yet. I guess that's why I say I'm a tiger waiting to be tamed, because there has not been a man yet to do so.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm always more than ecstatic when someone overs to do a photo shoot for me. Lately I've been getting I should be a model, but idk ? I need more feedback then I might actually have the guts for me. I've been getting crazy compliments too, like I'm too pretty for my own good. I like that though, reminds me of the beautiful Nefertiti.
So I want to pick up on some new books & new hobbies as well.
  • Boxing
  • Sewing
  • Hair braiding
  • Cooking
  • Writing...again

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm so tired of people thinking everyone wants to be them. Like everyone is just biting their style...who you think you are ? Stuff you've done others do it too, & the things they've done I'm sure you do it as well. It's okay to be inspired by others, then turn it into your own. Just don't set yourself on a high horse, like ideas just travel through one mind.
I've always been the person to prove everyone wrong, I'm never what anyone thinks so go ahead pass judgements...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I get so wrapped up into a guy and I just having things in common. I mean it turns me on when a guy has dreads or listens to the same music I do...or he might even be a musician himself. What does that even mean though ? Just because they posses those certain things I like doesn't mean we're going to date or whatever. Some of them I'm just better off as friends with or not talking to at all, because at times when I really get to know them they're nothing how I imagined. I let the illusion of my mind fool me, I need to stop doing that.
My grandmothers necklace, I'll treasure it forever
Lately I've been getting that I'm going to look so good with dreads ^_^ I'm so excited. I might not even wait it might just happen sooner than I think...I kinda want it to.
sometimes I feel so plain

I need a job

this sucks...job hunt.
I'm just thinking do you ever completely get over someone ? Because it seems somehow things can be fixed even due to the craziest circumstances. Maybe people just conventionally move on because they might have someone they care about more ?

Lauryn Hill

Ya'll can't handle the truth in a courtroom of lies
Perjures the jurors
Witness despised
Crooked lawyers
False Indictments publicized
Its entertainment...the arraignments
The subpoenas
High profile gladiators in bloodthirsty arenas
Enter the Dragon
Black-robe crooked-balance
Souls bought and sold and paroled for thirty talents
Court reporter catch the surface on the paper
File it in the system not acknowledged by the Maker
Swearing by the bible blatantly blasphemous
Publicly perpetrating that "In God We Trust"
Cross-examined by a master manipulator
The faster intimidator
Receiving the judge's favor
Deceiving sabers doing injury to they neighbors
For status, gratis, apparatus and legal waivers
See the bailiff
Representing security
Holding the word of God soliciting perjury
The prosecution
Political prostitution
The more money you pay.. the further away solution
Legal actors
Babylon's benefactors
Masquerading as the agency for the clients
Hypocritical giants
Morally non-compliant
Orally armed to do bodily harm
Polluted, recruited and suited judicial charm
And the defense isn't making any sense
Faking the confidence of escaping the consequence
That a defendant is depending on the system
Totally void of judgment purposely made to twist em'
Emotional victim blackmailed by the henchmen
Framed by intentions
Inventions whereby they lynch men
Enter the false witness slandering the accused
Planting the seed openly showing he's being used
To discredit, edit, headed for the alleged
Smearing the individual fearing the unsuspected
Expert witness (the paid authority)
Made a priority to deceive the majority
Of disinterested peers
Dodging duty for years
Hating the process
waiting to be returning to their careers
Do we expect the system made for the elect
To possibly judge correct?
Properly serve and protect?
Materially corrupt
Spiritually amuck
Oblivious to the cause
Prosperously bankrupt
Blind leading the blind
Guilty never defined
Filthy as swine
A generation purin it's own mind
Legal extortion
Blown out of proportion
In vein deceit
The truth is obsolete
Only two positions:
Victimizer or Victim
Both end up in destruction trusting this crooked system
Mafia with diplomas keeping us in a coma trying to own a piece
of the "American Corona"
The Revolving Door
Insanity every floor
Skyscraping, paper chasing
What are we working for?
Empty traditions
Reaching social positions
Teaching ambition to support the family superstition?
When the Son of Podition is Commander in Chief
The standard is Thief
Brethren can we candidly speak?
Woe to the men
Trusted in the chariots dem'
Leaning on horses
They run their intellectual sources
Counterfeit wisdom creating the illusion of freedom
Confusion consumes them
Every word they speak it turns them out really white
Internally they absent of light
trapped in the night and bonded to the Cain of the night
Under the curse
Evil men waxing more worse
Faxing the first
Angelic being cast to the earth
It's time for rebirth
Burnin up the branch and the root
The empty pursuits of every tree bearing the wrong fruit
Turning me ill
Let him who stole, no longer steal
Oh it's real
Surrender for Jehovah is real
How long will you sleep
Troubled by the thoughts that YOU keep
The idols YOU heap
Causing the destruction you reap
Judgment has come
Find it and return to the One
Abandon the flesh
Self-interest: Broadway to death
Pride and the Greed
Hide and subdividing the seed
The knowledge of Good and Evil is what caused us to lie
Caused us to die
Let your emotions be crucified
Renounce all your thoughts
Repent and let your mind be re-taught
You'll find what you sought...was based on the deception you bought
A perception of naught
Where the majority remains caught

New Diet

I have such poor eating habits like I drink soda & eat a lot of greasy foods. I'm trying to cut fast food completely out my diet but it's so easy and quick like. I'm trying to get more into cooking and what not. When I get older I plan to have my own harvest as well. Slowly I also plan to transition into not eating meat ? Well let's just see how this goes...
Are We ?
The rebel
I miss my septum yo!
I don't know if I believe in marriage anymore....I'll post more about this later.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Check out my tumblr as well
I absolutely love my hair orange...mos def going to keep this color up


I always kind of wanted to do a nude photo shoot, but not like porn or anything. Art though, maybe black and white or body paint ? I love the woman's body. I probably would never be completely nude though, I just like the illusion.
Thinking something completely disgusting then someone walks in the room, I jump so frightened. Aha times like this I feel like nasty, like why was my mind in the gutter ? But hey I'm human
My love for this man is incredible
Music was to a T

Friday, August 26, 2011

My tumblr crush
I want him wish I knew him :(
plus he's too old...ehhh
I've always loved my shape, may not have the fattest ass or whatever else but I'm happy with myself.


Most definitely going to be my next move along with a few piercings, honestly I've been laggin them all. After I got my septum I was supposed to been just got a regular nose piercing but I'll do that maybe sometime within the next two weeks. I was also thinking about one nipple & tongue ? My homegirl just got her tongue pierced and I liked it, looked like a breeze getting it as well. The nipples, I just think those are I have nice breast. Anyway my dreads, that will happen probably either September or November. I just want to wear my natural curls for awhile. I'm all ready for the commitment though, I'm absolutely in love with them and what they stand for. My aunt has them & she's such an inspiration.


I'm still upset about this whole College thing. I don't see what's the difference me waiting a semester ? Yea I made some mistakes but nothing what my parents were thinking. I mean you're from the outside looking in they don't know me as well as they think, I can handle myself always have. I'm not the type to just let people run over me, & when it's time to get my priorities straight I do. I don't mind proving them wrong though, I'm not going to College to do what they think I'm gonna do or what they think they know I'm going to do. I'm going to do what I want and reach my pinnacles. But I will get to Dillard Univ...just going to have to wait a few months.
This is random but I followed this guy on twitter, had a crush on him ever since.
His dreads, smile, body, his being is just blissful.


I think I'm one, I tend to write about love when doing my poetry or music. I think that's a big part of why I love Jesse Boykins III so much, his lyrics entice me. They make me want to make love without the explicit sexual content of lyrics. Makes his music all the more beautiful to me.

This Guy

I loved him sadly. The crazy thing is he never gave me anything to feed off of. What was it that made me fall ? At times I think how could I be so naive ? He put me on the back burner and strung me along. Constant excuses making me feel like I wasn't good enough to be his girlfriend but he allowed me to be hidden in the dark. I typically don't let guys get to me but he did, no I'm not suffering from a broken heart but I am from disappointment. I should have known my expectations weren't going to match our reality.
You know you look at yourself and wonder who you are
A rebel is she ?
Maybe even a queen ?